Meetings and Minutes

   Your Parish Councillors

  • Richard Dallimore, Chair - 01278 723424
  • Julian Porter - 01278 722819
  • Sandra Bull - 01278 723478
  • Nathan Ponsillo - 01278 722438
  • James Hedges
  • Maureen Perdue, Clerk - 01278 722395

Contact: [email protected]

Your Somerset Councillors for King Alfred Division 


Everyone is welcome to our meetings. Our meetings are normally held the first Wednesday of each month at the Village Hall and start at 7.30pm. We welcome everyone to attend. You can come along and listen to the discussions about our village. You are also welcome to come along and raise any concerns that you have or opportunities that you believe will enhance our community.


Normally Parish Council meetings are held in the village hall, however on occasions we have used the church

Contact the Council

Click here to contact the Council


Previous Meetings and Minutes


