Rock, Chips and Victory




A skittle team is much like a ship. Operates on teamwork, requires the dedication of a hardy crew even when the times are hard and the sea ahead looks choppy.

Of course, a crew and the ship is nothing without their captain. A good captain is inspiring, firm, dashing, inspirational and a born leader of men. A captain will safely guide the ship and her crew through both calm and rough seas.

Our captain is like this and on many occasions the team have referred to our captain as the ’tiller’ of the team, the one who steers the team through rough and calm times. More specifically, the term ‘a-tilla’ has been used on many occasion.

But this week the ship loomed dangerously close to the jagged rocks of defeat. The captain eyed the team with steely eyes and declared he had to skittle off and leave early.The captain was abandoning his ship! A bow wave of panic swept through the team.

More grog was consumed and without ‘a-tilla’ present it was up to the  team to weather the storm. Like the brave sailors of yesteryear, weather the storm they did.  By the last hand of the match the storm had passed and calm waters lay ahead.  Team victorious, a banquet of sausages and chips was laid on and the conquering heroes went back to port.

First win of the season.
